Thursday, September 25, 2008

overwhelmed with goose bumps

So you know how us girls/women are, especially if you are one. We tend to have these little crushes from time to time on boys/guys/men whether we're in a relationship or not. We even go so far to get caught up in these fixations where we begin to plan stuff with the guy even when we have yet to speak to him.
It's almost like going cuckoo for cocoa puffs and never have tasted them.
At least this has been my experience.
But that's not saying much considering I would be the needle in the hay stack.
Others call me unique.

ANYWAYS...The reasons for our crushes are by far more stimulating to the hypothalamus than the fact that we do indeed have them.

Here is a list of reasons I have had crushes in the past:

1) He has nice shoes.
2) He has nice teeth.
3) He has nice clothes.
4) He has nice eyes.
5) He has nice skin.
6) He has nice hair.
7) He has no hair.
8) He has too much hair.
9) He has hair plugs.

told ya it would be stimulating - basically I don't need a reason for a crush I just have them. it never goes anywhere though. so in an effort to become a better person with lofty goals and a better understanding for this thing we call life my objective is to have a crush that has some meat to it. I want multiple reasons for dreaming of this guy. I need verification for spending 2 hours of my evening looking through facebook photos of him envisioning I was there.

I need my list to look more like this:

1) He is very knowlegable about ______
2) He loves his family and wants to meet mine.
3) He has a passion for ______
4) He thinks I'm pretty special.
5) He talks about the future.
6) He wants/likes to spend time with me.
7) He likes a little adventure.
8) He has a sense of humor.
(an understanding of my dry humor is a +)
9) He has teeth.

Part of my "therapy" is to be more social and less anxious all the time, so if I can break through this cycle of silly crushes and actually get up the nerve to say "hi" to a guy I think I actually might be able to muster up more than a simple crush and my life could possibly start to head in a new direction.

I need to grow a back bone in other words.

Human interaction here I come!

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