Friday, November 13, 2009

People are reading this?

So I understand it's been a good little bit of time since my last entry but I've been super mega busy people...AND normally I wouldn't have cared or it wouldn't bother me that I hadn't actually written on this thing in awhile but I was let in on a little secret not too long ago....someone actually reads my blog, and they like it, and they want more. How do I react to that? I guess I write — I find time to write and I keep it saucy just like your used to.

(random chocolate craving paired with a cold glass of water = happiness)

Today I'm trying to find things to keep my mind busy because I never actually went to sleep last night and I am indeed at work right now (have been all day) and it's a rather slow day and the coffee I got like one hour ago was finished in a few slurps and well I'm having people over tonight so I can't really go home and take a nap like I so desperately want to and it's great that it's not raining or else I'd be in more trouble than I already am. Yep. This is what happens when your mind stays full, you want to do it all, you have too many projects going on and your side biz unexpectedly took off faster than a speeding bullet. Point of the story, my lips are chapped, I'm glad I bought Visine the other day with the last of my flex dollars, I'm not 20 anymore folks, recovery time is a bitch and I'm really really really glad someone is reading this. ;)

Monday, November 2, 2009

White as Silver

--White as Silver--

Surefire Saphire


--Surefire Saphire--


--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--


Violet Vixen

--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--

--Violet Vixen--

Wild Thang


--Wild Thang--








--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--



SOLD--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--


Whatchou Pink?

--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--

--Whatchou Pink?--




Itsy Bitsy Spidah

--Itsy Bitsy Spidah--




Sunday, October 18, 2009




Oluve You

They're all mine.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fashion Show!

Fresh Feathers are taking it to the stage!

We have been invited to attend a fashion show on October 30, 2009 at Dye Pretty Salon.

In additon to feathered earrings, Amanda Dunn's - Worx of Heart will be running the stage.
Check her website out

I will be super busy over the next couple weeks creating what I hope to be some of my best creations yet and will update everyone as soon as I know the exact time of the show.

Mark the date on your calendar though, this show is going to be hot!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

my eyes are closed.

That's what I do several times a day when I start thinking about certain things. Some people can day dream with their eyes open but mine are closed, they need to be in order for me to feel fully devoted to my thoughts and to be able to hold on to them for as long as possible. I've always been somewhat of a hopeless romantic and it seems lately that most of my day dreams are visions of me and you. Little pieces of life and the happiness we share...Never too detailed...probably because we do not share that many memories yet or maybe it's because simplicity is what is sought after. In my day dreams though you always make me smile, that's really all I can say.

You Were Meant for Me" performed by Jewel

Thursday, October 8, 2009

and the feathers have flocked to another location...

Just an update on the "Fresh Feathers" – we have flocked to another location in addition to Dye Pretty Salon. Feathered earrings are also now available at Patina Verdigris located on 6th Street in downtown Winston! Be sure to stop by and check out the freshness, along with the multitude of other gift items, coffee creations and fanciful art!

You can also visit their facebook page by clicking here:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Scarlet O' Terra

Sold--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--

--Scarlet O'Terra--

Peek-A-Boo Khaki

Sold--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--

--Peek-a-boo Khaki--

Burnt Sienna

Sold--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--

-- Burnt Sienna --


Sold--Available at Dye Pretty Salon--

-- HENNA --

and the Rooster says "Cockadoodledoo"

I've been super busy designing & wrapping these feathered ear candies and my house is starting to look like a chickens coop but it seems all this Fresh Feather business is well off to a good start.

I'm happy to say I've sold half of what I've made so far and I've even had special requests. Also, I've been asked to bring my Fresh Feather Line to a fashion show at the end of October (more details to come on that).

With that said I have a new batch of Fresh Feathers which will be available at Dye Pretty Salon in the next week, they are all made of Rooster feathers which are super silky and a beaut to look at. I hope you enjoy.

Any suggestions or creative advice is more than welcome.

I'm wearing "Cocky" and they're mine, so that means they're not for sale. =)

Thursday, September 24, 2009




*Just a little update, pricing has shifted a little to provide a more streamlined process, all earrings will fall under one of two prices — $35.00 or $40.00 (prices are determined by size, quality and quanity of feathers) - There will be an additional price category added soon which will feature premium feathers at a premium price - Happy Hunting!! (was that bad to say?)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I've Fall-N in love

Happy Fall everybody! Change is in the air.

Fall Fresh Feathers are now available exclusively at Dye Pretty Salon.
Visit for more information.

SOLD -- $40.00 --

--I've Fall-N in Love--

who say's I can't tri it?

And so I do.
And so I am, a tri-athlete.

After a few months of pretty intense dedication, learning how to swim correctly or just swimming correctly enough, aquiring battle wounds from biking excursions, countless miles on the treadmill and weight training... yeah you get the point, I completed my first triathlon this past Sunday.

I swam 300 meters, biked 13 miles and ran/jogged/walked/power walked 3 miles.
My goal was to finish and that's just what I did.

I had awesome supporters there the whole time. I know Eileen, my angel was watching over me the whole time, guiding me and pushing me just like she did in the last days of her life. My roomie gave me awesome braids and helped me stay calm from the second I woke up that morning; Michaela & London made a Go! GO! Go! sign; and Mom, Dave & Deanna all came out to cheer me on. Also, my girls who didn't give up either, Megan, Erin & Kathryn - rocked it out too!! I'm happy to announce like all of my friends are tri-athletes now!

While the whole process was one I will never forget, I was most amazed at how calm I stayed during the race. Considering the hot mess I was in the week prior, you'd be amazed too. But it's fascinating how our bodies and minds although sometimes conflicting, can at the most pertinent times work seamlessly together, toward a common thread. During the swim, I had a slower swimmer in front of me, a faster one passing me on the side and one more behind me tapping at my toes AND I didn't panick!!! It was in this instance that I knew all my preperation mentally & physically was going to pay off. I was controlled, I knew I had done this all before, maybe just not all together....

And so I can say I am proud of my accomplishment. I understand that physically it's a great feat but I tend to give the mental aspect more credit. I believe if you keep faith and rely on yourself, that even if you loose a leg, an eye, your hearing, have cancer, whatever, you can do it if you put your mind to it. I had a 56 year old women pass me on the run for Pete's sake!

I consider myself a pretty diverse person but a triathlon was not really my cup o' tea and I didn't really want to do it, I would have rather done a gazillion other things, but all this combined is what attracted me. I took something I never thought I do, never wanted to do, made it mine and now have a story to tell, and in that I have created something beautiful. Maybe now if I ever get stuck out in the middle of a desert somewhere I can use my awesome strength and relentless endurance to keep me alive until I'm found. Who knows really?

Bottom line.
The Finish Line is in sight.
It's important to believe in yourself even if no one else does.
It's extra nice though when you have someone who also believes in you.
It's extremely cool when you have a slew of people who do.

I feel lucky to be so blessed.

Monday, September 14, 2009

purple peace

Pictured below are a pair of mixed feather earrings featuring Chinchilla feathers, purple Ostrich plumes and Pheasant tail feathers with a silver peace sign pendant.

-- sold --

--purple peace--


Pictured below are a pair of small Ostrich feather plumes earrings.



g love

Pictured below are a pair of natural Guinea feather earrings with red leather band.


--g love--

pheasantly surprised

Pictured below are a pair of pheasant feather earrings with round brown/amber bead.


--pheasantly surprised--

the brown indian

Pictured below are a pair of brown Turkey quill feather earrings with black, brown and green indian agate bead drops.

--Available at Patina--

--the brown indian--

green with envy

Pictured below are a pair of mixed pheasant feather earrings w/green talc circle.


--green with envy--

ladybug fly

Pictured below are a pair of natural Guinea feather earrings.


--ladybug fly--

Friday, September 11, 2009

i scene it

I love taking random photos as much as the next person, here are a few bar scene pictures, see if you can tell what's been going on by simply observing the scene.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Palinators

Pictured below are a pair of mixed feather earrings featuring Duck feathers, Wild Turkey feathers, flats & maribou, and golden-tipped pheasant tail feathers.

SOLD --$44.00--

--The Palinators--
(ok, so this pair reminded me of Alaska which in turn reminded me of Sarah Palin which is the obvious reason behind the name)

Fire in the Hole

Pictured below are a pair of mixed feather earrings featuring Chinchilla, Goose, and Wild Turkey feathers and golden & red-tipped pheasant tail feathers)

SOLD-- This pair will retail at $38.00 --

--Fire in the Hole--


Pictured below are a pair of mixed feather earrings featuring Ostrich plume, Chinchilla & pheasant feathers along with a little burst of dyed teal feather.

SOLD-- This pair will retail at $38.00 --


Just in case your wondering...No Birds were hurt, injured or even bothered in order to obtain any of the feathers you see in my designs. Shedding or losing feathers is a natural process for birds just like humans lose strands of hair, new feathers will grow in to replace the ones that are now gone. All the feathers I use are cleaned and sanitized and do not posess any known health threats. If your allergic, then I suggest you stay away! I hope you enjoy my designs, I'm just using something nature has provided us all and making something nice out of it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ok so I lie.

It took me a little longer than expected to get some pictures of my feathered jewelry up. I discovered feathers require just the right angle and I need more patience. I also decided to have a beer after work last night which usually doesn't end with me going home after the first one. So, I took the pictures tonight and I am going to photoshop them (the background images are funny to say the very least) and then hopefully post them tomorrow evening if not sooner. I know there is like 1 and a half of you out there sitting on pins and needles waiting for this...... so for you guys, just for you, I'm going to give another sneak peak at the very first pair of Fresh Feathers I made.

I've always loved art and I'm so glad I'm moving forward with these special parts of myself, parts that need and yearn for exploring. I'm writing, painting, blogging and designing and I enjoy every minute of it. I hope somehow my passion influences somebody else to do something that makes them feel as thrilled as I am!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fresh Feathers


may I present to you.

Fresh Feathers, my new design line.

It will feature jewelry, apparel and art.

I'm working on the jewelry as we speak, I will try to have pictures up tonight.

For now I leave you with my awesome logo.... and a link on feather fashion in fall/winter 2009.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


In addition to my personal training regimen with Josh, the bubbly boo-tay trainer, which is in its 9th month of greatness, over the past few months I have also been training for a triathlon. I know, I know. It’s pretty amazing huh? At least I’m not sitting on the couch eating bon-bons, right? And so, as the tri-date quickly approaches my confidence level, which should be soaring super high, just hit rock bottom.

All of this training and preparation for a triathlon not only works wonders for the bod but can have a gleaming affect on the ol' backbone. That has been my experience up until last Tuesday's pre-tri-meet. As I pulled and tugged at the borrowed bike, which is in pieces, in order to fit in my tiny two door sports coupe, I must have done it completely wrong. After attaching and tightening the front wheel I tried to stand up only to experience shooting pain up and down the left side of my back - I was stuck in a tying-the-shoe type of bend for a few seconds. Slowly as I tried to stand up straight I realized my back just went out on me. I had yet to swim, bike or run. I tried to ignore the discomfort because I didn't want to disappoint the others but when something hurts that bad it's really, really hard not to think about it. After trying to stretch while listening to transition rules and tips I realized that this, like all other things for me, was going to be a battle. I swam about 50 meters, biked about 3 miles and jogged for under a minute. That's all I could do. I shouldn't have even done that much considering the torment I was experiencing, but I did it to prove a point to myself. I went home dolefully after taking a load of ibuprofen and downing a Fat Tire beer only to ice my back and lather it down with Tiger Balm. Two days later the pain was still there and I was worried that the pain would cause me to withdraw from the race. [This is the point where the confidence starts to disassemble.]

After the third day though my back started feeling better and as I leaned over to tie my shoes, I realized that I could still do this, after all I didn't get stuck this time! I ran about a mile and a half that morning with Armani by my side as the calescent sun beat down on me. We made it home in one piece.

This Tuesday I was supposed to redeem myself as my lil tri-group met to ride the bike course we'll be on for the race. I don't think any of us imagined we'd be biking on a real live road accompanied by cars traveling at 45 plus miles, the map didn't show us that! Heck, the map didn't show much but we (Noah) used his geographic skills to get us going and then somehow lead us off course and into another county. It was at this moment we pulled over and decided it would be best to turn around. Might I add, the map is to blame. And so...of course, Erin and Noah took a quick lead again and Kathryn slowly pulled away leaving me to shadow her. My bike had been having issues on previous rides and quickly progressed into a problem on this ride. I tried not to complain, I didn't want to kill anybodies enthusiasm with my troubles or have them think I was making excuses but the gears kept locking up on me and when it happened I was not able to peddle, in previous times I was able to work everything out but as everyone faded into the distance and I let out a (what to them was a faint) yell, saying "don't get too far ahead, I don't have a cell phone", the unexpected happened and my peddle locked up again. Only this time I was hurled over the handle bars instantly meeting pavement.

I'm sure I was in shock for a second but soon after I picked up the bike and moved off the road. It was in this time that the tears started to flow. My spirit felt defeated. I had no phone. Everyone was probably far ahead. I tried getting back on my bike but in doing so discovered when I landed on the bike I smashed in the right handle bar and somehow locked up the back breaks, so I couldn't even ride it. Looking at my instantly bruised palms, feeling the pain in my knee, my friggin’ back and well most of my body I tried to disengage all the emotions that quickly started taking over. I picked up the bike and started walking. Thankfully the girls got a gut feeling and ten minutes or so later, Kathryn appeared. She came back for me!!! We were able to get a truck to stop and take us to where Erin had stopped and waited, her motherly instincts kicked in and she knew something wasn't right so she had sent Noah back for the truck. After thanking the man in the truck for being so kind, we stood in a church parking lot awaiting Noah's return. It felt like forever to me. I tried to make light of everything but deep down I felt horrible. I had once again let myself down, the group down and everybody's ride was ruined because of me, for a cancer baby that feeling eats at you. Kudos to the dapper pilot and co-pilot for trekking back to the starting point and returning to rescue us.

Three hours after the bike ride began I was on my way home.

I decided to write about all this today because I am super proud of my physical and mental progress this year. I've strengthened my core, built my endurance and I'm working on preserving my life so I can make the best of it. Even though I seem to hit road blocks pretty often I will not let it get me down again. I'm only doing the triathlon to prove to myself I can do anything I set my mind to, no matter how untouchable it once seemed. I am by no means a tri-athlete! So whatever outside force I'm currently battling with that's trying to push me away, you better back up. I may crawl, or skip or hop over the finish line and it may take me hours to do so but I WILL CROSS THE FINISH LINE! that's a bet.

.....and so I'll end this entry with a nice little reflection of the evening after the storm.

The sky was still last night, the moon glowed through the puzzle-like clouds that had formed and as I closed my eyes to take in a deep breath from the prior hours of chaos a cool breeze swept across my face... my favorite time of the year is near.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the sky in my eye

Clearly the sky has always been here, but lately it has taken my by surprise. I find myself gazing into the clouds and some kind of calmness takes me over. It's powers have outweighed the busy days, the traffic jams and the worries. I'm bewildered. Some of my most recent sky photos are my proudest. Of course, keeping the camera less than an arms length away is also a great way to capture one of natures most beautiful gifts.



a way we go.


Take a minute out of your busy day, gaze into the sky and be prepared to be amazed.