Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Me..the Constant Gardener?

Never would I ever have imagined that I would purchase a house at 23 - let alone refinance the dang thing before turning 26! But I’m doing it, right now, real time. The “refi” process is truly a learning experience but I’m hoping the 1.5% interest reduction in itself will prove to be a wise choice for the future. It seems like every time I delve into something new like this I end up with a new hobby or pick up an unusual habit along the way. Thankfully, they’re good habits, which are the #1 reason my psychologist gave me for being “ok” now and able to live in the “real” world – and thank God for reassurance!So during the process I have managed to turn into a dedicated planter of all things green and blooming, a landscapist if you will. I’ve practically thrown myself into working on my back patio with the promise of an appraisal high enough to warrant my refinance. And so the madness has just begun, I tore up bricks and replaced them with cobblestone; I pulled out a humongous hydrangea and replaced it with a feeble purple perennial with high hopes of bearing lots of buds for years to come, I laid the bricks I pulled up to form a walkway around the backside of my house, replanted the hydrangea alongside the garbage cans to muffle water erosion and create more oxygen for the trash that it lay beside, and guess what? - That’s not all folks! I now have a little area in my patio dedicated to a potted herb garden which is sure to grow in size and variety. I also refinished a wrought iron patio table I paid a whopping $10 bucks for, which hosts a couple other potted plants including my bonsai tree, Clowie. Next on the list, I’m going to add a few garden yummies. I definitely want to have tomatoes and I’ve had a couple suggestions for squash & green peppers but I need to do some research first on types of veggies and what living conditions they’re most suitable in. More suggestions and/or gardening tips are surely welcome. Last but not least, it’s actually the order it must come in – I’m staining the concrete slabs on the patio. Now that all the dirty work is done it’s time to lay the finishing touch. This will by far the biggest feat but it will also be well worth it. Do you know how good it feels to put this much work into something and in the end find that you have a new pleasure in life that doesn’t involve drinking vodka red bulls all night long in hopes of blacking out? I am super stoked about tearing off fresh leaves to add to my dinner delights, not hooking up with the hottie in the corner of the bar. This makes me feel grown up. This makes me feel happy. And so happy I will be, cause’ some habits are worth keeping.

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