Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Years are New Years

Five years ago I was a sad person.

I worried too much. I envied too much. I couldn't be happy with myself or my life.

I changed that.

I decided five years ago that I was going to do life a bit differently from now on.

I became happier.
I stopped to smell roses and any other flower I was curious about, because I could.

I became inspired.
I appreciated people more for being passionate and following their dreams.

I listened more. To people, stories, memories, my heart.
I saw people people differently and I became more empathetic.

I learned. Every thing I did, I learned. Everything I didn't do, I learned.
Everything I wanted to do, I learned how.

I've become present.
Self-aware. Acknowledging. Loving. 
Each year from that year forward I've looked back at how I've changed, how I've grown and where I've come. I've chosen not only to look to my future but to be thankful for all the changes I made to be a better person in year before.

Thanks 2014.
I have a purpose now.

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