Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm not sure what has started happening to me but in the last few months or so I've developed a strong liking for beatnik (not the Beatniks per se) music from the late 60's and early 70's - Previously you would have probably found me covering my ears or making a funny face in disgust when these melodies were played but now I'm completely enthralled there is so much of this whatdya do.....lalalala....totally chilled music out there for me to find and listen to! I encourage the tunes to wander much so it's becoming a slight obsession.

I would never have thunk I'd be listening to half of this stuff:
Creedence Clearwater Revival. Bob Dylan. Jimi Hendrix. Led Zeppelin. Janis Joplin. The Beatles. Joni Mitchell. Pink Floyd. The Rolling Stones. Santana. Bob Marley. Simon & Garfunkel. Cat Stevens. The Who. The Allman Brothers.

But I am, I really am.

So where is this all coming from?
Well.... let's see. I have an idea, far-fetched as it may seem.

I always try to do something different for my birthday, on PURPOSE, like the time I got my palms read, but this year it came to me out of fate or some might say it was purely coincidental... Either way it seems the decade is starting to follow me around a little. Maybe the notion of dancing in the rain to Holy Ghost Tent Revival while people sport vintage bathing suits made me curious as to what was really happening OR perhaps the encounter with two peace loving gypsies sealed the deal. I mean it was my 26th birthday afterall, and what did I end up doing? I ended up playing with a goat that charged at a rubber ball and knew tricks as well as the next dog, I met chickens & turkeys with names like Lunch and Dinner, and get this — I witnessed a turtle lay an egg! I also viewed a massive hemp jewelry, gem & quartz collection and learned all about glass blowing and even managed to find out that my animal spirit is probably a sea turtle and then was advised that I might have special abilities and I need to see a Shaman asap!! Truth be told in the back of my mind I have always thought that something mysterious lingered in my Cherokee Indian blood and there would come a point in my life when, perhaps when I turned a certain age, I would learn of this... who knew it would come to me by way of another Cherokee girl on a night where I thought drinks would be had at the ol' Rec Billiards until I was all out of birthday drinkin'. Instead I end up at a 200 year old house, lined with psychadelic wallpaper, a farm out back and a however many acre trail lit by way of tiki torches. Maybe a Shaman is in order.

All I know is that everything around me seems to be increasing my free spiritability. The one I intended to discover this year. Does my increased awareness of all this really have me braiding my hair almost daily and buying patchouli to keep the skeeters away? Or is this really the path that was cleared away for me? Who really knows? It's neat to think about though. I guess we all change whether we are aware of it or not and so I keep referring back to something which was just said to me a few weeks ago... 'it takes a special person to be aware of these certain things and that's what makes you different from the others Ashley...' Trippy huh? Any way you look at it, it's these things that keep finding their way into my life and helping me become a better freeeer person, emotionally and spiritually.

So am I finding the music or is the music finding me?
My answer. I feel in one way or another the music finds us, it makes us think, it makes us dream and sends us into a place that is unexplainable. Much like my life right now. I'm taking it all in, riding the wave and enjoying all the experiences and coincendences life is lending me until my time here is over. You should too!

Although this is newer. way newer. it seemed suprisingly fitting. go...wherever you go go today.